“Traveler” Listening Party Contest
Trey Anastasio and ATO Records are looking for enthusiastic fans to organize and host a listening party for Trey Anastasio’s upcoming album Traveler.
What is a listening party?
· An event held at a venue of your choice (local bar, record store, coffee house, your back yard, etc.) where the new album is played several times over the house stereo system.
· Eight fans will be picked from different cities (i.e. Portland, Austin, San Diego, Oakland, Denver, etc.) to host their own listening party!
· The party should be held in a public place so that fans and their friends and anyone else who wanders into the venue gets a chance to hear Traveler in its entirety prior to its official release on October 16th!
· These grassroots events help spread the word about Trey Anastasio’s new album while also providing a great time for fans, old and new.
· If you are chosen to hold the listening party in your city, ATO Records will send your “listening party kit” which will include a CD and posters to help you promote your event by October 9th.
· In addition, you will receive a free copy of Traveler on vinyl which includes a bonus 7” and a Scabbard 7” autographed!!
· All listening parties must take place between October 11th and the 15th.
· Please read the rules and guidelines on how to submit your proposal for the opportunity to hold your Traveler listening party.
1. Eight fans will be picked from different cities across the country. The party can be held either at a venue of your choice (preferably a public place such as your local bar, coffee shop, or record store, but your own living room is acceptable as well). The duration of the event should be roughly 2-3 hours.
2. You must submit your proposal on why you think you should be the one chosen to host the listening party via email. The deadline for submissions must be emailed to TreyTravelerContest@gmail.com by October 5th at 5pm ET. Each listening party proposal will include details about your party such as the date you plan to hold the event, the venue where it will take place, what other festivities you have in mind, how you plan to promote the event, and how many attendees you think you will have (20-30 attendees minimum are required). Winners will be notified by October 7th.
3. Participants must agree to play the record at least as long as the event is taking place. You may integrate some other favorite material, but the focus will be to get yourself, and your friends stoked on the new songs! If the event is taking place in a public place such as a bar or coffee shop, the owner, bartender or clientele must agree to play Traveler and other Trey Anastasio material for the duration of the event. Most bartenders or clientele should be excited to accommodate you as you will be bringing in business for them, especially if the party is being held at an otherwise generally slow time for them.
4. The Listening Party Kits will be shipped to all winners to arrive by October 9th. The package will include:
a) Traveler CD
b) 11 X17 full color posters
c) ATO Records will email you fonts and images from album art to create emails, banners, and widgets to help promote your event on your local blog, twitter, or facebook.
5. Traveler must be played on the venue house stereo system and not a little iPod speaker or boombox in the corner of the room. It is important that no other music is played in other parts of the venue.
6. All listening parties need to be documented to prove the event occurred. Digital photos of the listening party are required and video clips if possible. You must post photos on your social networking sites – Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and send us the links.
7. Winners are responsible for transportation to and from their requested show and are responsible to supply the digital camera for the photo of them with the album.