Check out this review on JamBase of Danny Barnes’ NYE Shows!
Sarah Hagerman’s “Greensky Bluegrass with Danny Barnes” captures the intimacy, vivacity and creativity of the New Year’s Eve performances which brought together “one of the most fearlessly independent and creative musicians”, Danny Barnes, and “one of the most energetic, hard-working acoustic rock outfits”, Greensky Bluegrass.
Barnes opened with only his “barnjo”; a mutt that he debuted this past summer which combines a banjo with an electric guitar. The “barnjo” brought out different dynamics of his studio songs. Hagerman describes how this drastically affected her interpretation of songs such as”Sleep”.
Later on in the night, Barnes joined Greensky Bluegrass for a few songs. One of the highlights was Michael Arlen Bont’s banjo playfully dueling with Barnes’ barnjo.
“Barnes has always had that element of subversion in his music, and this latest badass development is no exception”.
Oh, how we wish we were there.
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Photo by Josh Mishell